Monday, October 17, 2011

The Flounced Petticoat is almost done!

The flounced petticoat is almost done! I just have to finish the ends of each flounce. I wasn't sure how I was going to go about that, so I'm stalling a bit while I think. But, in the mean time, I got to try it on! This is it, over my corded petticoat:

1 comment:

  1. The petticoat looks fabulous, all that hand sewing and with uncooperative sewing thread! Argh! Great work.

    I wanted to chat with you about your Archery Gown, did you ever complete it? I'm in the procoss of making one for the Jane Austen Festival Australia in April this year and would love to chat about it with you. I've recently blogged it and I mention your website.

    Anyways, I'm lorna at thetailorsapprentice dot com if you have time to pop me an email. Thanks Jenni!
